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National FairFuelUK Day on March 7th 2012

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

FairFuelUK Supporters please come and lobby your MP on National FairFuel Day, March 7th. FairFuelUK are demanding an urgent cut in fuel taxes in response to news that diesel has reached a record high. You help by coming to lobby your MP. The National FairFuel Day on March 7th is a unique opportunity to personally fight for lower fuel duty…

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Great News EcoVelocity is back with a Grander Design

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

Great News EcoVelocity the ground breaking eco car show is back again this year. Secondly it is now to be held at the ExCel with more and more space for test drives to assess the low carbon vehicles available. Thirdly it has now joined forces with the organisers of Grand Designs Live and the shows will run side by side in May.

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A Week in an Electric Car – The Mitsubishi i-MIEV

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

Watch the trailer for a week in the Mitsubishi i-MIEV, a fully electric, zero-carbon car. I like electric cars but how good would it be in a semi rural location. Curious about all the issues facing EVs and with children, shopping, charging, in the cold I took on the i-MIEV and had a great experience.

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Were Riding on a Road Train – The Sartre Project

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

‘Safe Road Trains for the Environment’ The SARTRE Project is testing and demonstrating the Road Train concept with a multi vehicle platoon. The latests test involve a lead truck and three cars driven autonomously at up to 90 km/h. The driverless cars enable a 20% saving in fuel.