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Drive Reviews the Honda CR-V with All New Feel Good Factor

In Car Reviews by Jonathan Humphrey

The New Generation Honda CR-V. The Honda CR-V the car that set the SUV scene in its first generation back in 1995. Just in the showrooms the ruggedly good looking Honda CR-V. Made in the UK and manufactured in Swindon, re-designed and innovated in all areas, smartened, toughened, lightened…

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Review of the New Range Rover, New Answer

In Car Reviews by Sue BakerLeave a Comment

A pink dusk is settling over an arid African landscape at the end of a kaleidoscope of a day. In the space of a few hours we have driven across sand dunes, negotiated a lengthy section of fast-flowing river, picked a tortuous path through a rocky gorge, dodged incoming waves on an Atlantic beach…