How to avoid the Bank Holiday Motoring Mayhem

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

Apart from staying at home! Gem Assist the independent road safety association offers some tips

As people travel away from home to make the most of the bank holiday, often opting to drive to their destination, the roads are going to be exceptionally busy this weekend. Some tips to help you avoid spending too much time stuck in traffic.


[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px” color=”#ed1111″]GEM’s bank holiday travel tips:[/typography]

  • Urban jungle: in urban areas, you are likely to be sharing the road with lots of cyclists and motorcyclists. Constantly check your mirrors, especially before changing lanes, opening your driver door, or making a left-hand turn
  • Learn your lines: in town, remember that double red lines mean no stopping at any time, and white zig-zag lines – usually either side of a pedestrian crossing – are not to be parked on. If you do, you could receive a three point fixed penalty ticket
  • Rural rights: while driving in rural areas, be aware of slow-moving hazards, including farm vehicles, animals, walkers, and cyclists. Only overtake when you have checked your mirrors and physically glanced into your blind spot
  • Lane discipline: good practice for motorway driving is to use the left-hand lane for travelling in, and the middle and right ones purely for overtaking. This will help to prevent congestion and sharp braking
  • Two second rule: while driving on motorways, two seconds is the minimum amount of time that there should be between you and the vehicle in front. In wet weather, four seconds is our minimum recommended time separation
  • Pull your weight: if towing a caravan or trailer, remember that the speed limit on motorways is 60 mph, and you are not permitted to use the right hand lane of a motorway with three or more lanes
  • Be prepared: always fully prepare your car before any journey, especially long trips. Check the tyres, brakes, windscreen wash, lights, oil and water levels
  • Go online: search the internet or use mobile phone apps for free route-planning services, finding car parks and petrol stations. To download the free GEM app, search for GEM Motoring Assist, and gain access to up-to-the-minute traffic updates, and more

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