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Road Accident Compensation Claims

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

Despite the fact that the number of road traffic accidents fell by 11% from 2010 to 2011, the number of compensation claims in the same period has risen by 18%. One thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that the most common claim continues to be for whiplash. So who are involved in these accidents? There are no statistics available about which car models are involved in the most accidents

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Drive Safe, Travel Safe, Tyre Safe

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

TyreSafe, the UK’s leading tyre safety organisation is urging drivers to check their tyres before setting off on their travels. Despite the recent poor weather, many families are likely to be staying on these shores for their annual break. With tightening budgets and a once-in-a-lifetime summer of sporting and cultural events this year, a staycation is more attractive than ever.