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Latest – FairFuelUK Great News

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

FairFuelUK have just been notified that there will be “the FairFuelUK debate” in the House of Commons on Tuesday November 15th. After everyones hard work this is great news. Now Please Lobby your local MP to attend the Debate.

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Our Roads Will Be More Dangerous This Winter

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

Even thought the weather in the last two years has given us severe cold, snow and ice the councils are still planning cut backs on winter road services. Estimates from the Department for communities and Local Governments are showing that up to 3.6% less will be spent, this is considerable when inflation is considered.

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Jeremy Clarkson Banned along with the Stig

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

Now it seems that the Neat sounding TopGear TomTom has been banned by the BBC Today. The TOMTOM Go Live Top Gear Edition just released last Week by TomTom and probably going to be a bigseller this Christmas. A Little bird tells me for now it is still available…HERE

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Drive on with the Vauxhall Roadtrip App

In Driving in the UK by Jonathan Humphrey

RoadTrip, a new iPhone app that has just been released by Vauxhall, provides drivers with a fast, simple way to track their business journeys. The free new app offers a range of smart features for tracking business miles, to make creating mileage claims quicker and easier.