As a new age in motoring is becoming a reality for many. Electric cars will soon become more and more popular in all their different flavours and methods of charging, powering, generating. Somewhere along the line some new standards will emerge and I suppose somewhere along the line we may get more excited about the sound of electric power. What it does mean is the car will be quieter and smoother and enable us to listen to music better, at least while it still allowed. This leads me to an exciting development I have followed with keen interest. My favourite musician, Neil Young (Rockin’ in the Free World, Heart of Gold) and his team in the USA and the development of the Lincvolt repowering the American dream project.
Neil Young is an enthusiastic fan of classic Cadillacs and American automobiles has developed a self propelled 1959 Lincoln Continental based on clean power and using its own power system. Personally I find this project exciting as here in the UK, I have recently read the story the LittleChef could become one of the sources for reliable charging stations around the UK, what concerns me about this is the cost will £8 per charge, which does make Neil’s self powered car a much better solution. £8 per 100 miles sounds expensive. What about in the future when the oil runs dry and our foreign owned electricity companies hike the prices up from where they are today. I suppose if Littlechef could sort their food out and chuck in a gourmet style Heston Blumenthal lunch. I could be tempted and it may be soften the blow. I was very enthusiastic about the Little Chef Channel 4 documentary about Heston and his Little Chef work.
It seems self powered technology definitely is the way to go and I await with keen interest more developments in this area and the adaption of a self powered Lincvolt system into a lighter modern car. Ultimately it may keep some of the greatest cars from the past on our roads and the spirited drive lincvolt can offer could be the only option for these vehicles. Although I admit it would be sad to see a Ferrari 250 SWB running on electric. I suppose they will all look the same when they are parked as this is where they may end up.
Neil how about a Lincvolt tour of the UK? Lands End to John O’Groats! See Lincvolt on youtube.