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New Nissan LEAF Chapter 2

In Nissan by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

The New Nissan LEAF it’s worth a look. Now with a longer range making it more practical for many, better to drive, more equipment than before and a viable car for many. Watch our 10 second car videos of the exterior and interior…

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Nissan, Horses and Safer Towing

In Nissan by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

Nissan’s relationship with The British Horse Society (BHS) to promote safer horse towing. Working together will offer BHS supporters the opportunity to learn more about safer horse towing and how to best look after horses during transportation. There will be a range of activities and events…

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Nissan British Built Cars Boost Sales

In Nissan by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

Nissan’s British built cars increase fleet sales by 9% in the first 10 months of 2012. There is a trend with company car drivers and the British built Nissan models. Nissan sold 43,918 cars taking a 5% share of the UK fleet market, up until the end of October. With sales of their Nissan LEAF Electric cars doubling…