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Review of the New Range Rover, New Answer

In Car Reviews by Sue BakerLeave a Comment

A pink dusk is settling over an arid African landscape at the end of a kaleidoscope of a day. In the space of a few hours we have driven across sand dunes, negotiated a lengthy section of fast-flowing river, picked a tortuous path through a rocky gorge, dodged incoming waves on an Atlantic beach…

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Is Contract Car Hire the Right Option For My Business?

In Contract Hire by Jonathan HumphreyLeave a Comment

What is Contract Hire? Contract hire is a form of vehicle leasing for businesses. It allows businesses to hire a car for a set period, usually no less than a year, paying a set monthly fee based on the length of the contract and the agreed maximum mileage that will be clocked up during that period. In some cases, the basic fee covers service and maintenance…

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Drive Modern Classics The Lancia Delta Integrale

In Modern Classics by Chris RandallLeave a Comment

Back in the 1980s Lancia were at the very forefront of world rallying, winning just about everything in sight with the awesome mid-engined Delta S4. But with the demise of the Group B rally era after one accident too many, a new approach was called for. And that was to lead to one of the finest road weapons around, the Lancia Delta Integrale…